Are you very carb sensitive and have had difficulties dropping the fat or plateaued?
Eating a ketogenic diet and carb cycling for fat loss could be an approach worth trying to break that plateau.
Practicing carb cycling is intended to help avoid adverse effects of long-term high-fat dieting by enabling the body to replace carbs recurrently.
We will discuss what is better, keto or carb cycling, and refeeding for workout performance.

What is Carb Cycling
Carb cycling commonly means having 1 day a week where you top up of refeeding your glycogen stores.
The process involves dramatically reducing carbs consumption for many days to a level that would be challenging to sustain for extended durations of time.
If you were following a keto diet, essentially, you would eat anywhere around 20-50g carbs on your normal days. It generally amounts to 70% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carb intake.
You would then choose a refeed day to one which best suits you.
For example, people who work 9 till 5 Monday to Friday may have success having a refeeding day on the weekend when spending time with friends and family.
Practicing this way of eating has a few notable benefits.
It gives you the energy to perform exercises for the next week.
It rewards you for a job well done by strict dieting during the week. Eating your favorite higher carb foods once a week gives your body the chance to replenish what is needed.
We’re talking healthier and nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Not processed or junk foods such as pizza, ice cream, and candy.
When you limit carbs and calories over a period, it decreases your leptin levels.
Leptin is the hormone of energy expenditure and responsible for regulating appetite.
Carb loading boosts leptin levels and keeps metabolism from adapting to a long-term low carbohydrate lifestyle.(1)
You can have more energy, lose fat more comfortably, and experience less sugar craving.
With each carb cycling cycle, you shouldn’t experience any loss of muscle mass or energy.

Carb Cycling for Fat Loss and a Keto Diet
If you have a significant amount of weight you want to lose, then combining keto and carb cycling will speed the process.
You can achieve rapid fat loss by turning to ketones and refueling with carbs for intense workouts every so often.
To be in ketosis, then you need to eliminate virtually all carbs from the diet for an extended period.
During a number of days, the body uses stored carbs for energy. Once the body finishes processing stored sugar, it switches to ketones for energy by going to your fat stores.
Carb cycling on keto is essentially a variation called a cyclical ketogenic diet.

Carb Loading Recurrence and Timing
Carb loading or refeeding once a week is good when you exercise intensely, such as distance running or weightlifting.
If you don’t push yourself in the gym to the peak, you shouldn’t need to overeat carbs when carb-loading.
Your body also would prevent starvation mode using this carb cycling method.
You avoid adjusting to low amounts of carbs, which potentially decreases your metabolism, reducing thyroid hormone production, etc.
Everyone wants to lose weight without sacrificing flavor in the kitchen.
Low carb flour substitutes give you the freedom to enjoy baked goods while maintaining your carbs intake under check and aid weight loss.
Popular low-carb baking flours, such as nuts and seeds, come from grain-free sources and can give a different flavor to baked goods.
You could grind low carb flours yourself as generally they are not found in grocery stores.
Improving nutrition and lowering net carbs is one of the main reasons to ditch regular plain flours. When following a higher fat or ketogenic diet, it’s also essential to make replacements to lower sugar varieties.
The prevalence of low carb flour in recipes has exponentially grown.
Many people love the taste as opposed to regular flour or self-raising flour but don’t know how to use various flours to prepare delicious meals.
You could use low carb flour replacements in your soups, baked goods, smoothies, stews, shakes, and other tasty recipes.
These are some of our preferred low carb flour substitutes you can buy to use in your recipes. Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite high carb recipes, just include alternatives to kickstart your nutrition.
Low Carb Flour Substitutes for Baking
If your counting carbs in flour, keep an eye on the total dietary fiber found in food. With every gram of fiber, be sure to eliminate a gram of carbs, which returns net carbs.
A simple method is to subtract the total grams of dietary fiber from the total carbohydrates to calculate net carbs total.
Almond Flour
Almond flour is a popular pick and maybe the most popular of all from the list.
A multipurpose nut flour that works in a variety of baking recipes is almond flour.
The term “almond flour” is sometimes used correspondently with “almond flour,” as they are both come from ground almonds, almond meal though may have a rougher texture and various nutrition content than almond flour.
Almond flour contains around 160 calories and 6 grams of carbs per quarter of a cup.
Replacing almond flour for all-purpose flour saves 18 grams of carbs and contributes an additional 2.2 grams of fiber per quarter-cup. It makes a great ketogenic flour substitute for a healthier diet.

Coconut Flour
Coconut flour is an excellent low-carb flour alternative made from dried and defatted coconut meat.
This low carb flour contains approximately 120 calories and 16 grams of carbs per quarter-cup, a quarter-cup of wheat flour gives you 8 grams fewer carbs.
With 10 grams of fiber per quarter-cup serving, coconut flour is also an excellent source of fiber.
As it can be baked at the same temperature as other recipes, using coconut flour requires no need for adjustment.
Flaxseed Flour
Flaxseed Flour is created from grinding whole flaxseeds and gives a nutty flavor to baked goods.
Flax seeds are a source of alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, which helps protects the heart and eye health.
Per one quarter-cup flaxseed flour contains 150 calories and 8 grams of carbohydrates, which is 16 grams of carbohydrate less than wheat flour.
Soy Flour
You can make soy flour from ground soybeans. It is quite dry and absorbs ingredients easily, similar to coconut flour.
Soy flour contains a total carb content of 8 grams and 3 grams of dietary fiber per 1/4-cup serving. It also tends to contain more protein than other low carb varieties.
Observe baked goods as soy flour causes quick browning, and take them out of the oven a little early.
Sunflower Seed Meal
Sunflower seed meal and flour is a favorite if you’re allergic to popular almond flour or coconut flour varieties. They contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals and are good to use in place of an almond meal with the same measurements.
They are slightly more expensive than other meals, but it is super easy to make your own at home.
Grab your sunflower seeds, place them in a mini handheld food blender or coffee grinder, and blitz them for a few seconds. How easy is that?

Psyllium Husk
While psyllium husk isn’t exactly a flour, it’s a perfect replacement and easy to use in recipes. One of the main benefits is it helps bind ingredients together if not using eggs and thickens recipes.
It’s also great to use if you struggle to get your recommended intake of fiber for the day.
We like to combine almond or coconut flour with Psyllium husk and make various types of keto bread recipes or flatbread.
If your feeling bunged up using Psyllium husk in recipes is one of the easiest ways to eliminate any sense of constipation.
How to use Low Carb Flours
Numerous low carb flour substitutes, including flaxseed, almond, and coconut, are naturally free of gluten.
Gluten is a protein in wheat that allows baked products to rise. A good ratio is 3:1 almond flour to coconut flour.
Each combination varies in its nutritional content and how it acts in cookery.
Baking healthy recipes with flour substitutes is not an exact swap from regular flours. You can’t simply replace ingredients with nuts and seeds and expect the same outcome.
Low-carb flour substitution nearly imitates all-purpose flour without additional eggs needed.
Although adding an egg can be useful to provide more structure for baking quick cakes, muffins, and bread, additionally increasing the raising agent somewhat can be helpful.
You could also grind your nuts and seeds to make your low carb flour.

If new to keto cooking, then a good method to begin using alternatives flour is to include them in your favorite recipes.
Make the necessary modifications to the baked treats you or your family eat regularly.
Over time you build knowledge and become more accustomed to cooking healthier meals with alternative foods.
These are just a few ways to incorporate healthier foods into your keto or low carb diet.
For examples of how to use these low carb baking substitutions in a variety of keto recipes, check out some low carb weekly meal plans.
What replacements do you make when following a low carb or keto diet lifestyle?
Mini refeeds a few times a week after working out is also an option.
The goal is to shock the body with a flood of carbs. If you overeat sugar too often, it becomes normal for your body.
You won’t experience as many benefits since it’s more or less a typical diet.
Higher protein, higher fat, and low carbohydrate diets can be good for dropping weight.
To get an idea of low carb high-fat foods see our keto diet food pyramid for quick reference.
A keto diet and carb cycling are good as it follows the two major principles of long-lasting weight loss. It works by keeping your body guessing and keeping up your metabolic rate.
The average person will experience excellent results by refeeding once a week.
An Example of Carb Cycling
You’ll receive the greatest benefit from carb loading when you use it on days you exercise or do most of you’re physical activities.
Days at the gym or playing sports is a good example. It usually means to deplete glycogen levels then refill them after exercise.
First, you must choose a refeed day when you will eat high carbs.
You would eat around 80%-90% healthy carbs for the day. Or 2-3 times your body weight in pounds.
An example is if you weighed 200 pounds, you would look to consume 400-600g carbs for that one day.
It may seem like a lot, but remember you’re limited fats and protein to under 10%-20%.
Essentially it means all the calories come from carbs on this day.
Following a cycle of six days on and one day off, you would evade the unpleasant side-effects that can start.
When your glycogen stores (carbs) are in a depleted phase, leptin levels increase, which helps regulate appetite.
The high carb day will support you through the difficult and limit low carb days. It gives you goals and things to look ahead.
The low carb days you would eat under 10% carbs. If you’re keto dieting, then typically you eat 20-50g total carbs daily.
Protein consumption is about 20% of the day’s calories, so look for about 80g protein if you weighed 200 pounds.
Everybody is different, and you can change the exact numbers to suit your preferred meal plan.
Stick with what works for you, and if you hit a weight loss plateau, then try different strategies.
If you are progressing with weight loss, then there isn’t any need to reduce net carbs or try carb cycling for fat loss.

Low Carb Foods to Eat
Regardless of if you follow a ketogenic diet and carb cycling for fat loss, it’s always good to try to include as many fibrous vegetables as you can.
A low-carb food list including vegetables is endless. Aim to eat as much as you can. Green leafy veggies are best but here are some top foods for a keto diet:
- Celery
- Cabbage
- Sauerkraut
- Brussel Sprouts
- Spinach
- Lettuce
- Collard Greens
- Kale
- Asparagus
- Mushrooms
- Cucumbers
- Radishes
- Sea Vegetables
- Garlic
- Herbs & Spices

Higher Carb Foods to Eat
When you’re refeeding day is ready, you want to choose healthy foods to get the maximum amount of nutrition.
Here are some of the best veggies and fruits you should be eating on your high carb meal plan days.
- Sweet potatoes
- Peppers
- Tomatoes
- Squash
- Rutabagas
- Carrots
- Onions
- Leeks
When it comes to fruits, pretty much anything goes as long as it’s fresh. Some of the popular fruits are listed below, but let your imagination run wild.
- Pears
- Apples
- Bananas
- Berries
- Figs
- Melon
- Oranges
- Watermelon

Long Term Carb Cycling, Yes or No?
The answer isn’t a simple yes or no. It depends on many factors but most importantly how it can fit into your lifestyle and fitness goals.
Cycling carbs are merely boosting protein and fats consumption for an extended duration then raising carbohydrates for a day before the cycle repeats.
An easy way of looking at it is during refeeding eat more carbs and minimal fat. Any other time you aim to eat more fats with minimal carbs.
It’s a tool to stop your body from adjusting to low carb consumption.
In my experience, when I ate higher net carbs up to 100g, it still helped my body to adapt to using fat.
Following a keto diet and refeeding every once a week or fortnightly helped me to socialize and eat with family and friends.
Even if you’re not in ketosis 7 days a week, you still have the many health benefits that accompany a prolonged high-fat eating meal plan.
You don’t want to be that person who always refuses to eat everything thrown at them. Or resist going out to eat with family and friends just to stay in ketosis.
Enjoying the little things in life is crucial to happiness.

Some people find it hard to achieve this and remain in ketosis. Sugar cravings and snacking is a top culprit.
Long-term carb reduction is extremely difficult to handle, especially after a lifetime of high-carb eating.
Before beginning a carb cycling or ketogenic diet, discuss with your doctor whether it is safe for you.
If you don’t always eat high fat, you could increase the span of the “high carb days” to two or three if you favor.
Eating an Atkins diet, you could eat low carb Monday to Friday then have the weekend to eat what you wish.
If fat loss is your primary goal then eating many carbs will kick you out of ketosis. By the time you back in it, you’ll only be adapted for a couple of days.
We hope you have a better understanding of carb cycling vs. keto for weight loss and how to incorporate it into your meal plan.
Do you use carb cycling for weight loss while following a low carb or LCHF diet?
If so, we would love to hear your benefits and results.
When you say “A good ratio is 3:1 Almond Flour to coconut flour” do you mean mixing the 2 at say, 3 cups almond flour with 1 cup coconut flour will make a concoction that resembles all purpose flour? Just to make sure I am interpreting this correctly…
Yes, that is correct. There is no one correct answer as every recipe is different and you may have to adjust the liquid and eggs added accordingly.
Love it. Love it. Love it. I wish that I had such a ready resource years ago when I first went low carb. Thanks for sharing!
Tenho uma dúvida me disseram que farinha de berinjela é muito boa também , aqui perto de casa ela e a de linhaça são as mais fáceis de achar .Posso fazer qualquer receita com elas ? é por que ultimamente faço as doces com linhaça e as salgadas com berinjela está certo isso ? estou na dieta low card
Não tentei pessoalmente farinha de berinjela. Embora, seria uma ótima escolha usar em uma dieta baixa em carboidratos, pois é um alimento tão rico em nutrientes.
I am allergic to almonds and therefore cannot use the flour. I have been using coconut flour, but have come to realize that not everything that’s “made with almond flour” can be substituted for coconut . Any suggestions? Can I still use the coconut just at a different ratio?
Yes, you can use coconut flour as a replacement for almond flour, and the ratio would obviously vary for each recipe.
I generally use ¼-½ cup coconut flour substituted for 1 cup of almond flour.
You would have to also add extra liquid to help combine ingredients due to using less flour.
I have a question regarding which flour to use when frying. I love fried chicken gizzards! I like them kinda crisp. So which flour would I use to fry them in?
I very rarely fry food anymore, but I used to love a mix of almond flour, flaxseed meal, crushed pork rinds with egg wash.
To make sure it does not fall apart coat the chicken in flour/crumbs, then egg wash, then flour/crumbs again.
when replacing 1 cup of flour, what would be the replacement using almond flour or if using coconut flour. how do you know how much liquid to add? I have made protein powder mug cakes how do I replace the protein powder?
Each recipe is of different and you would have to experiment.
Try replacement almond flour exactly with regular flour and see how your recipe turns out. 1 cup regular flour = 1/3 cup coconut flour.
You have to test recipes especially with mug cakes, every recipe calls for a different amount of liquid. With coconut flour, you may need more liquid as it absorbs much more moisture.